Symptoms of Low Magnesium

What are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency?

  • “Classic “Clinical” Symptoms. These physical signs of magnesium deficiency are clearly related to both its physiological role and its significant impact on the healthy balance of minerals such as calcium and potassium. Tics, muscle spasms and cramps, seizures, anxiety, and irregular heart rhythms are among the classic signs and symptoms of low magnesium.
  • “Sub-clinical” or “Latent” Symptoms. These symptoms are present but concealed by an inability to distinguish their signs from other disease states. Caused by low magnesium intake prevalent in nearly all industrialized nations, they can include migraine headaches, insomnia, depression, and chronic fatigue, among others. “…..

“The subject of subclinical or chronic latent magnesium deficiency has been one of alarm and increased emphasis in research communities. ,,,, links found between ongoing chronic low magnesium and some of the more troubling chronic diseases of our time, including hypertension, asthma and osteoporosis.”

“Compounding the problem is the knowledge that the body actually strips magnesium and calcium from the bones during periods of “functioning” low magnesium. This effect can cause a doubly difficult scenario: seemingly adequate magnesium levels that mask a true deficiency coupled by ongoing damage to bone structures. Thus experts advise the suspicion of magnesium deficiency whenever risk factors for related conditions are present, rather than relying upon tests or overt symptoms alone.”

“Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

The classic physical signs of low magnesium are:


Behavioral disturbances
Irritability and anxiety
Impaired memory and cognitive function
Anorexia or loss of appetite
Nausea and vomiting


Muscle spasms (tetany)
Muscle cramps
Hyperactive reflexes
Impaired muscle coordination (ataxia)
Involuntary eye movements and vertigo
Difficulty swallowing”


Increased intracellular calcium
Calcium deficiency
Potassium deficiency


Irregular or rapid heartbeat
Coronary spasms

Among children:

Growth retardation or “failure to thrive” “

“Magnesium deficiency itself is sometimes referred to as “asymptomatic” or “showing no outward signs”.

In using these terms, researchers emphasize that conditions will often become severe before overt clinical signs are available – essentially issuing a warning  to health practitioners to be on the alert to signs of magnesium deficiency.

The monitoring of magnesium levels among at risk populations would seem to be a solution, yet the most commonly used magnesium test, blood serum magnesium, is considered inaccurate in clearly identifying marginal magnesium deficiency……

In light of evidence that sub-clinical  magnesium deficiencies can increase calcium imbalance, worsen blood vessel calcification, and potentially lead to type 2 diabetes, the World Health Organization in 2009 issued a call for improved and more scientific methods of setting daily magnesium requirements and more accurate and accessible methods of assessing magnesium deficiency.7

Symptoms of Low Magnesium